Transition Services

Avidd & Bethel Ridge provides:
- Individualized and person-centered vocational assessments
- Comprehensive job development of employment opportunities
- Intensive and person-centered job coaching throughout the initial and critical phase of an individual's employment
- Ongoing and as-needed follow-up support to maximize the chance for employment success
We not only provide a full range of supported employment services and job sampling opportunities to high school students involved in transition programs, but also involves students in a variety of other learning experiences such as the development of independent living skills, participation in community integration activities and the engagement in lifelong recreation pursuits. These transition activities can be essential in preparing the student for a successful adult life. As part of its' transitional services, Avidd & Bethel Ridge staff become active participants in the development of transition plans at individualized education plan (IEP) meetings.
Our Transition Services are designed to assist schools in developing and implementing quality transition plans for students in special education programs.
Preparing students for the world of work is the key component to a successful transition plan. We offer four services for successful transition planning.
Services Include:
- Community Based Vocational Assessments: Assist students to determine their preferences and abilities in work environments.
- Job Shadowing and Job Sampling: Give the students the opportunity to experience real jobs in real communities.
- Job Placement and Job Coaching: Students are placed in real jobs and given support to ensure their success.
- Follow along services: Staff provide limited job coaching to students who are independent in a work environment to ensure ongoing success.
- Professional Consultation: Assists and supports schools in developing transition plans.
- I.E.P. Meetings: Our Transition Educators are available to attend I.E.P. meetings and discuss community-based services and make recommendations for future services for a student's vocational future.
Contact Transitional Services for more information at (973) 664-1770 or Click Here to contact us.